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Data Integration Analyst - Hybrid or Remote fromEMEA

Data Integration Analyst - Hybrid or Remote fromEMEA

WakamNice, France
Il y a plus de 30 jours
32,00 € par heure
Description de poste

Wakam is an insurer that designs tailor-made whitelabelled insurance solutions for its distribution partners,insurance professionals (brokers & insurtechs) as well asnon-insurance professionals (platforms, retailers…). Wakam alsospecializes in developing next generation “embedded” insurancesolutions with its Play & Plug platform, enabling fullydigitized products and services. Operating in 32 Europeancountries, headquartered in Paris, and with a current turnover for2022 of more than €650 million, demonstrating a double-digit growthevery year. Wakam was included in the Financial Times ranking ofthe 1000 fastest growing European companies, leading all insurers.Wakam, in accordance with its societal commitments, is aMission-driven company since March 2021. Positive energy, agility,and team spirit are essential to support Wakam in its hyper-growth!You have the Wakam mindset? Join us! ✎ The Mission Imagine you buya bike from a bike store. As it’s pricey, you want to insure itagainst theft or damages. The bike store not being an insurer hasto contract with an insurer to provide coverage : this is Wakam’srole. BUILD side Your role will be to discuss with the bike storeor any company that sells insurance products (without being insureritself) to implement data flows between the broker and Wakam. Youwill work with the partner to ensure partnership data is providedto business and technical teams. In short, you will manage your ownportfolio of partnerships and : Interact closely with Wakam Businessteams to understand the product and the data needs to ensure Wakamcan act fully and safely as an insurer Provide data advice andrequirements to the partner based on the product specificities andWakam's data needs Work iteratively with the partners to engineerthe data flows in our Git repo, requiring a good knowledge ofPython and SQL skills Report on data implementation projectsprogress via dedicated tools, both in Data Office committees andBusiness Committees Contribute to internal transverse technical andbusiness projects and to continuous internal processes improvementRUN side You will monitor and ensure that our monthly dataintegration with our 150+ partners is executed with perfection Youwill be a key contact for internal clients (Technical Reserving andProfitability Department, Reinsurance, Accounting, Compliance) andpartners for the various data topics You take charge of requests(incidents / problems, evolution requests, assistance) and handlethem in compliance with SLA and insurance standards You analyse,follow up on problems escalated to the various departments untilthey are resolved, and resolve complex data problems Youcommunicate regularly on action plans and the progress of requests,both in writing and verbally You are comfortable to commit to ourGit repo any necessary changes and can easily understand and codein Python ✯ Profile requirements Master's degree in Engineeringwith 2-5 year's experience in data management, data consulting,data analytics, analytics engineering Ability to manage multipleprojects at the same time Good communication skills both in Englishand French You are an expert in SQL for analytics Our tech includesAzure, Snowflake, DBT, Databricks, PowerBI and you are familiarwith strong experience in at least 2 of these technologiesProficiency of Python is a plus Insurance knowledge is a plusRecruitment process Interview with Danny, Lead Recruiter Technicalinterview Hiring manager interview Interview with our VP DataCulture fit interview with our Head of Talent Positive energy,agility, and team spirit are essential to support Wakam in itshyper-growth! You have the Wakam mindset? Join us! More about usOur culture? Free to impact. A culture where everything ispossible, where all ideas are taken into consideration, whereeveryone has an impact on the transformation of insurance! Hungryfor freedom? Thirsty for autonomy? If you are adventurous and likechallenges, then the Wakam adventure might be made for you!Discover -on our website- who we really are with the 11 culturalmarkers that so well describe us! What we are looking for Mindsetcompatibility with our ‘Free to Impact’ culture : Think big Biasedfor action Curious and eager to learn Can say no and find solutionsAims for the moon (but please don’t stick on the moon) And aboveall : have fun working together 🤜🤛 ! Good to know Wakam is not basedon a hierarchy but on a methodology where everyone finds his roleand knows his objectives. With a flat hierarchical system and ahighly collaborative operating model, Wakam is an extremely agileand transparent company. Every last Friday of the month, it'sFree.day at Wakam, a day without meetings to take a step aside anddedicate ourselves to skills sponsorship or other activities(because we are curious, I remind you). Full-remote is a reality atWakam (there is even one Wakamee who works from his sailing boat ⛵)Last but not least : we are nice and we have fun! (you'll find outby yourself 😉)